This week during golden time we learnt how to do sign language .We learnt the actions for the words snake,dog,tiger,cat,elephant and the colours red,blue and gold. Daniel F
I had a great time doing the penalty shoot out ,I scored two penalties and my team won .Daniel L
I enjoyed History this week ,we have been learning what happened in the Great Fire of London in 1666. Lauren
Wigan Warriors came into school to do sports it was fantastic. My favourite part was the sprinting race. Sally

A fantastic day had by all!
This week in Art we looked at images of flowers on the internet then we used pastels to draw our own. Sam F
I loved making the bug hotels at Haigh Hall we used real hammers and nails to hold them together. Later that day we went on a bug hunt in the woods and I found a newt . Isobel H

Haigh Hall was great I enjoyed going in all the old rooms in the hall .Freya M
I enjoyed cricket this week my friend William was Star of the Week and I think he deserved it. Daniel M
What a fantastic day Year Two! Here are a few memories to share.
I enjoyed doing Sports Day because I was trying hardest to win a sticker and I did in the end. I was Star of the Week in D.T. and I enjoyed doing the printing and painting with my friend Regan.
Isla H.
I enjoyed Big Write when I wrote a new adventure about the Gaskitt family.
Today we made plant pots out of old newspaper and replanted our beans which had been growing in a plastic pot and wet newspaper . ![IMG_3512[1]](
I really enjoyed doing cricket we played a team game of batting and bowling. I was chosen as star of the week.
Fantastic printing Isla!
I have enjoyed Maths this week we have been doing fractions and word problems. I love maths because it gets harder and harder . Millie
I loved D.T we continued to make windsocks. William
I enjoyed the story of 365 Penguins ,we made our own penguins and wrote number facts on them .Charlie
I really enjoyed French on Tuesday when my Mum came to watch.Ewan
Well done Year Two! You were all fantastic on Tuesday morning.
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came to watch.
Also a big thank you to Madame Miller for all her hard work.
Welcome to Year 6 at Woodfield Primary