Today in English, we have been looking at the importance of proof-reading our work to check for errors and to make improvements. Below is a paragraph taken from a story. In the comments section, rewrite the paragraph with the correct spellings and punctuation. Could you add anything to make the paragraph better?
The door slammed behind Me. I was alone in the room. Or was i. The room was quite dark and there was a lot of dust in the air. It was cold too, like there was a gohst in the room I walked towards the window hoping to find that i could let some light in. I found them borded up meaning I would have to stay in the darkness. Oh no,” I muttered to myself.
Last Wednesday morning, Y4 took part in the fantastic ‘Maths on the Move’ programme at Wigan Rugby Union Club. The children took part in a variety of games which required them to combine physical activity with maths and problem solving skills. A fantastic time was had by all. Why not post a comment to tell me about your favourite part of the day?
Today in year 4 we have been looking at how traditional tales are passed on verbally. We looked at the Rwandan tale of ‘Greedy Sebgugugu’ and how we could bring the story to life through expression and actions. 
This week in Geography, we’ll be learning about the capital cities of North America. Perhaps the most famous is Washington DC in the USA. Find out 5 facts about Washington and post them in the comments to earn a dojo.
Welcome to Year 6 at Woodfield Primary