Today wenwere really lucky to have Mr Shaw from Wigan Athletic Community Trust visit our school to teach us all about Healthy Hearts. We learned about calories, the circulation system and all about CPR, then having a go at it ourselves! An interesting and important life skill to have!
On Friday, we had lots of fun acting as ice lolly testers in our problem solving Maths lesson. We had to use our ratio understanding to create an ice lolly recipe, and help the ice cream shop work out what amounts would be needed for different amounts of lollies.
Obviously we then had to put our recipes to the test! A perfect way to cool down a hot summers afternoon!
Today we put all of our angle and compass skills to the test! We had the challenge of designing a treasure hunt, with instructions of how to get there blindfolded, using the skills we have covered this week in Maths.
Then we put our instructions to the test to see if they worked. Above is a few photos from our attempts!
Well done to our Sports Leaders who got the whole school active with their new challenge, to see how many times we could throw a ball inside the square inside 60 seconds! A perfect challenge to compliment all of the cricket practice we will be doing this term. Well done team!
Well done everyone! our recent times table battle with Year 4 has helped the school become the 2nd fastest school at times tables in the whole of Wigan with an average time of 3.14 seconds per question! Well done everyone, we are all really proud of you!
Here’s the video all about similes and metaphors. Can you think of any of your own metaphors? When might you use it? Can you use both a simile and a methapor in different sentences to describe this picture?
We will be looking at a new type of super sentence this week, and it will make extra good use of all of our work we have recently completed on colons!
This week’s challenge has 3 steps (Use the picture above to help if needed):
1) Convert the following sentence into a de:de sentence by adding on the extra information.
Craig has always been a great friend:
2) Write a de:de sentence of your own about anyone, or anything!
3) Turn yourself into a teacher by teaching someone at home how to write a de:de sentence. Then, when you think they are as brilliant at using them in their writing as your are. Write down their example of a de:de sentence.