Category Archives: Uncategorized

Calculating Volume

This week in Y6, we have been learning to calculate the volume of a cuboid by using the formula Length x Width x Depth.

We put our skills to the test by making different 3D shapes and then working out their volume.


Visit from an Engineer

Yesterday, Y5 and Y6 had the privilege of meeting an engineer from Sellafield.


Mrs Clark (Jamie and Esme’s Mum), came to talk to us about all of the types of engineering projects that she has worked on and shared with us some really interesting information about the role of engineering in our everyday lives.

We had lots of questions and Mrs Clark really inspired us to continue working on our own Primary Engineering Projects.

Thank you Mrs Clarke!

Eye of the Wolf

by Daniel Pennac


Y6 are enjoying this text in class. The author uses a series of flashbacks to tell the story.

Can you think of any other authors that do this?