Careers Day

Today was Woodfield’s first ever Careers Day! Throughout the day, people from various careers have been in to talk to us about their jobs, including the police, banking and architecture. The children were inspired by all of th m, and it was definitely food for thought. The speakers were amazed by the enthusiasm and excellent behaviour shown. Well done Year 4!IMG_1094

Bellingham Tennis Club

This afternoon, Anne and Greg from the local tennis club visited to give us a 30 minute taster session. The children warmed up, before taking part in fun games to practise their tennis skills. Children and their families have been invited to the club on Sunday to play more games and find more out about the club. More information can be found on the website. The coaches were delighted with the effort and behaviour, and were very impressed with the skills on display. Maybe we have the next Andy Murray or Jo Konta hidden away in Y4!

Well done to everyone involved! IMG_1056

Blog Challenge 10/05/17


Below you will find a story opening about a witch. Can you  write the next 25 words? Don’t forget to include the correct punctuation.

Here are some questions to consider. 

Where does the witch live?

What did she brew inside her cauldron?

What ingredients might she have used?

What evil deed did she carry out on the third night?

Does the witch regret what she’d done?

What powers do you think the witch possesses?

The witch hadn’t slept for three nights. The first night she’d spent deep in thought, plotting. The second she’d spent stooped over her cauldron, muttering evil incantations as she prepared the foul and odorous brew. On the third night, the deed had been done. Without a glimmer of remorse, she took flight once again, glancing back over her shoulder at the wreckage she’d left behind. A merciless cackle escaped her chapped lips…

Professor Plum

Below is the opening to a story. Can you write the next 25 words? You will also find a link with a picture and some prompts to help you.

Good luck!

Professor Plum had been locked away in his laboratory for days now, barely even stopping to eat or drink.

He rested his left arm on the dusty pile of books scattered across his desk, and with his right hand he gently flicked the conical flask in front of him. The red and orange liquid inside coughed and spluttered as heat from the Bunsen burner excited it from below.

Professor Plum wiped his weary eyes; only the excitement of finally finishing the potion kept him awake. Just a few more hours, then it would be ready…

Easter Homework Mission

Your mission is to make a mathematical board game for children aged 8-9.

Your game should include an Easter theme and a set of instructions.

Ask yourself these questions when planning your game:

  •     How am I going to include maths in my game?
  •     How will the players move around the board?
  •     Should there be extra tasks to complete such as activities on      cards?
  •    Will I need to make dice or counters?

How am I going to keep all the items needed for the game together?

You have 2 weeks to complete this mission. We will play the games in class after the holidays and there will be a prize for the most popular game.

Good Luck and Happy Easter

Blog Challenge 30/03/17

Read the start of this story. Can you answer the questions that follow?


She had been tracking the deer. Her parents had taught her how.

One hour before, finding the hoof prints in the soft earth, she had followed the trail of broken twigs and occasional nibbled leaf until she had located it. Creeping slowly and quietly, not making even the slightest sound, she remained undetected.

She had stumbled across the mysterious circles in a clearing in the forest, and watched as the deer approached them. With a slight twitch of its ears, the deer stepped indifferently through the first circle, and vanished. Completely vanished.

The girl let out a gasp, and walked towards the circles to investigate…

You can find a picture of  the circles here.

1) Who do you think made the circles?

2) How long do you think they have been there?

3) Do the stones on the ground have any significance?

4) If you were the girl, would you step through the circles?

5) Write the next 30 words of the story.


The Roman Bath House

Yesterday afternoon, Year 4 visited the Museum of Wigan Life to find out about the Roman Bath House that once stood on the site of the Grand Arcade. After meeting the staff, the children were treated to an hour of fun facts, pictures, and Roman artefacts.

The staff at the museum were very impressed with the children’s behaviour, enthusiasm and knowledge. Well done Year 4!

Which facts did you find most interesting? Write a list of them in the comments section to earn a dojo.

Let’s Sing

On Thursday afternoon, Mr Orrell visited us for the final time, before our performance at Robin Park on 22nd March.

He was very impressed with the effort the children have put into learning their words.

Well done Year 4! Remember to keep practising your words at home.

World Book Day in Year 4




World Book Day has been a real treat!

This morning, we explored the final chapter of Matilda, where her family flee to Spain. The children took on the role of Mr Wormwood, and wrote a postcard to Matilda, telling her how he felt.

Later on, we thought about alternative endings and what would have happened if the police caught up with Mr Wormwood and his dodgy car dealings. We put Mr Wormwood on trial and children took on roles of different witnesses to help convict him.

Every single member of the class worked extremely hard today. Well done Y4, I am really proud of you.