Star Bloggers – Isla H, Oscar, Lucy and Regan

I enjoyed doing Sports Day because I was trying hardest to win a sticker and I did in the end. I was Star of the Week in D.T. and I  enjoyed doing the printing and painting with my friend Regan.

Isla H.

I enjoyed Big Write when I wrote a new adventure about the Gaskitt family.


Today we made plant pots out of old newspaper and replanted our beans which had been growing in a plastic pot and wet newspaper . IMG_3512[1]


I really enjoyed doing cricket we played a team game of batting and bowling. I was chosen as star of the week.



5 thoughts on “Star Bloggers – Isla H, Oscar, Lucy and Regan”

  1. I really loved planting the runner beans and I really want to see what it looks like when it grows.Mine is growing a stem and leaves.I hope I plant something else.

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