On Friday the 27th of May the Great Woodfield Bake Off will take place in the school hall, followed by the usual coffee morning. There is a KS2 category, so if any of the Year 3 children would like to enter they should collect an application from the office.
From the cakes provided for our class fundraiser, I know we have some fantastic bakers amongst the Year 3 mums and dads, so we would also love to see some entries into the adult category too.
Good luck!
Mrs Fairhurst

On Thursday the 26th of May, Year 3 will be travelling to Underwater Street in Liverpool. Any children who do not have a school dinner should bring their packed lunch and drink in a named bag with disposable packaging. Children who usually have a school dinner will have a packed lunch provided for them. If you would prefer to pack a lunch for them on that day, please inform the office, otherwise one will be made for them. We will be inside all day so the children will not need a waterproof coat. They will wear their Woodfield uniform as usual. If you have any queries please let me know.
Mrs Fairhurst
Welcome to Year 6 at Woodfield Primary