On Wednesday we were very lucky to have Sophie from ‘Wild Science’ come to visit us. She brought her amazing animals along with her to teach us about Habitats and Classification. We even got chance to hold and stroke the animals whilst Sophie told us about them.
Which animal was your favourite? Did you learn any interesting facts?

Here the start to a story. Can you write the next 25 words? Remember to use correct spelling and punctuation. Make sure you make the most of your words!
After work, Batman always called in at his favourite café in Gotham City. We all have different ways of relaxing; a game of sport, watching television, going for a bike-ride…Batman’s was enjoying a steaming hot cup of coffee whilst reading the newspaper.
Batman looked forward to having an evening off, however evenings off didn’t always tend be that relaxing.
Ring ring…Ring ring…Ring ring…There was a call from the phone behind the counter…
We had a fun filled Maths Day in Year 4 today! This morning way jam packed with place value and reasoning work, all whilst using our brand new maths equipment. This afternoon started with Maths games outside, followed by a Maths inspired art lesson where we created spiralaterals.
If if you want to create a spiralateral at home, you can follow this link. Bring it in to school to earn a dojo!

Below is the start of a story. Can you write the next 25 words? Follow the link to see a picture to inspire you.
This place had once been filled with noise, thousands upon thousands of excited fans cheering as they applauded ‘the beautiful game’ being played in front of them.
Now, all that remained were memories. Would this place ever be restored to its former glory?

Below is the start of a story. Can you write the next 25 words?
The scientists huddled around the machine looking perplexed. Their laboratory was buried deep underground, away from prying eyes. Usually their experiments went completely unnoticed, apart from the occasional smell of sulphur or waft of grey smoke that made its way to the surface, but this particular experiment would certainly not avoid the headlines… They were in BIG trouble…
Welcome to Year 6 at Woodfield Primary