Blog Challenge 28th June

large_After-WorkHere the start to a story. Can you write the next 25 words? Remember to use correct spelling and punctuation. Make sure you make the most of your words!

After work, Batman always called in at his favourite café in Gotham City. We all have different ways of relaxing; a game of sport, watching television, going for a bike-ride…Batman’s was enjoying a steaming hot cup of coffee whilst reading the newspaper.

Batman looked forward to having an evening off, however evenings off didn’t always tend be that relaxing.

Ring ring…Ring ring…Ring ring…There was a call from the phone behind the counter…

2 thoughts on “Blog Challenge 28th June”

  1. Batman got up, went stomping over to the counter and with his mighty hand he punched the phone as hard as he could. Silence at last.

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