Without Gravity Blog Challenge


Below is the start of a story. Can you write the next 25 words?

The scientists huddled around the machine looking perplexed. Their laboratory was buried deep underground, away from prying eyes. Usually their experiments went completely unnoticed, apart from the occasional smell of sulphur or waft of grey smoke that made its way to the surface, but this particular experiment would certainly not avoid the headlines… They were in BIG trouble…

2 thoughts on “Without Gravity Blog Challenge”

  1. An experiment ruined by a rogue oven glove was thrown into magma before they discovered what they had made.

    All the world’s volcanos simultaneously erupted, leaving anti-gravity lava clouds floating round the earth….

    (Oops sorry couldn’t manage it in 25 words)

  2. The zero gravity experiment was only supposed to stay in the test room but had spread rapidly up to the school above them. The children and their teacher suddenly floated from their seats and the furniture flew to the ceiling. It was absolute chaos!!!

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