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Maths Meeting


There will be a Maths Curriculum/Mathletics meeting in the hall at 3.45pm on Wednesday the 7th of October.  If any of you have specific questions relating to the Year 3 maths curriculum I will be available during this meeting.

Mrs Fairhurst


I have been very impressed with the children in our Computing lessons.  They have been working on Scratch for the first time and have already learnt how to make their sprite move, speak and walk!  If the children would like to work on Scratch at home it can be downloaded for free from

We would be happy to run a Scratch training session for parents, further details to follow.






Welcome to Year 3!


I am very excited to welcome my new class into Year 3, I am sure that we are going to have a fantastic time this year!  We will keep you posted on what we are getting upto and would love to hear your comments!

Mrs Fairhurst