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We will be looking at a new type of super sentence this week, and it will make extra good use of all of our work we have recently completed on colons!


This week’s challenge has 3 steps (Use the picture above to help if needed):

1) Convert the following sentence into a de:de sentence by adding on the extra information.

Craig has always been a great friend:

2) Write a de:de sentence of your own about anyone, or anything!

3) Turn yourself into a teacher by teaching someone at home how to write a de:de sentence. Then, when you think they are as brilliant at using them in their writing as your are. Write down their example of a de:de sentence.


Have fun! I can’t wait to see all of your ideas!

Mr Lyons

7 thoughts on “DE:DE SENTENCES”

  1. Craig has always been a great friend: he stays loyal no matter what.
    Dracula is a famous vampire: he was created by Bram Stoker in 1897.
    The wet weather is frustrating: it prevents me from cutting the grass.

  2. Craig has always been a great friend: he always makes me laugh when I’m sad.
    King Kong is huge and scary: he terrifies everyone who sees him.
    Kevin De Bruyne plays football for Manchester City: some people think that he’s the best player at the moment.

  3. Craig has always been a great friend:he always invites me to his house for tea.

    I love gaming:it allows me to have lots of fun.

    I can’t wait for the weekend:we are going to Blackpool illuminations and having some fish and chips.

  4. Craig has always been a great friend: he is kind and considerate. I love playing rugby: it is fun, rough and exciting.
    I look forward to Halloween: it is dark, gloomy and scary.

  5. It was a weird crocodile: He was having a lot of fun dancing on his tail.

    The crocodile was having a paddy: it didn’t get its daily meal.

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